It was relaxing day for us after all adventure ride, many struggles and sleepless nights!!!
Main thing was we got a chance to take bath after 5 days :P, Since we were in no hurry to continue our ride for the day, woke up bit late and took our own time to get fresh. Went out for a walk just to see the city and to fill our empty tummies, luckily we found many restaurants near to our hotel. Had our breakfast came back to hotel and took help of Hotel manager to get information about good mechanic and places to see in Leh.
On day 7 almost half of our day we spent in mechanic shop only, found out the actual issue of Deepu’s bike, it was clutch plate which caused so many problem…!!! All of us checked our bikes and fixed all minor issues. By the time we left mechanic shop it was around 3.00 p.m.
Now it was time to explore Leh, first decided to visit Castle Tsemo Monastery and then next Shanti Stupa. From morning didn’t get a chance to give work to our cameras, so thought of doing one photo session before we reach Monastery 😊

Castle Tsemo Monastery:
The castle Tsemo is not much of an attraction in my opinion, it was very old monastery, and nothing to do much at this place, but the views from this point is awesome. All surrounded by brown mountains with Shanti Stupa in the distant view and the Leh city view. Spent some peaceful time in this peaceful place. Just clicked couple of pics of monastery (as well as our pics :D) and started left from monastery.

Shanti Stupa:
Shanti Stupa is situated at a distance of about 5 km from the Leh city; it gives a panoramic view of surrounding snow-capped mountains. The location of Shanti Stupa is such that it is visible from all over Leh city.

It was nice and peaceful place. Very nice Buddha Statue is there in Shanti Stupa. Its need not to mention that surrounding form this place was also superb.

Spent some time in roaming around Shanti Stupa and came back to Leh city, had our Lunch around 4.30 p.m. (In this trip hardly we had our food on time to time 😊)
By the time we finished our lunch and came out it was around 6.00 p.m. one good thing about these places is till 8.00 p.m. we will have sunlight and we can see places till late evening.
Leh Palace:
Next we headed towards Leh palace. Compare to palace’s which I visited before its totally different palace. The palace was built by King Sengge Namgyal in the 17th century. It is nine storeys high; the upper floors accommodated the royal family, while the lower floors held stables and store rooms. The palace is open to the public and the roof provides panoramic views of Leh and the surrounding areas.

Entrance fee for this palace is Rs. 5/- and it will be open for visitors from sunrise to sunset. Archaeological Survey of India is taking care of this palace.

Enjoyed the view from palace and headed back to hotel. Covered all the places which we planned in Leh City, only thing left was shopping :D.
Done with all our shopping and on the way we finished our Dinner, back to hotel around 9.00PM. Overall it was quite relaxing day, no water stream, no adventure, moderate temperature and main thing fixed issues with our bikes 😊
Next day we were about to start our ride to Nubra Valley, from Nubra valley we thought of come back to Leh again, so we have decided to take lock room and dump all our luggage’s there. We managed to get Lock room in same hotel where we stayed, packed all our luggage’s and dumped it in lock room on that night only.
All set for next day ride… 😊