Upparpete village is around 10 Kms from Chintamani and Upparpete betta is adjacent to Kailasagiri and Kadu Malleshwara betta. Last couple of visits to Upparpete was bike ride.
When Sanjay told me about his plan to trek Upparpete Betta I was excited to join him.
Plan was to start the trek from Kadu Malleshwara betta, cross Kaiasagiri and reach entrance of Upparpete betta. From there take a untouched path to reach top of Upparpete betta.
Though itβs a half day trek, its not an easy trek for sure. Because of uphill we need to climb and there is no specific path. We need to make our own path and climb.
As per the plan we started our trek early morning. Weather was so pleasant on that day, thought I passed many times in past couple of weeks it was like a new place for me. Easily crossed Kailasagiri with minimum stops.

Once we reached Upparpete betta real challenge started from here. Half of the hill was covered with mist and made difficult for us to find the proper route.

At some point, if I look back visibility was not more than 5 feet. Entire place was covered by mist!
Gradually mist started clearing and it helped us to find our route easily.
The view of Kailasagiri and Kadu Malleshwara betta was quite different from this place.

Finally we reached top of the hill, by that time already few people were there (as I mentioned in my earlier blog, now a days this place is also getting famous and many people started visiting this place).
Since we reached top of the hill from the other end (where there is no road), I could see some question marks on the faces of the people β from where the hell these guys reached!!!
It was a nice hike, relaxed for a while enjoying the mist around us π

Next challenge was to get down from the hill. Felt itβs not a good idea to take the same route which we took to climb, because of steep.

We took different route to get down, there was a small stream flowing down we just followed it and it was easy decline.

Not sure exact distance trek, approximately its around 8 to 10 Kms trek. One thing for sure not many tired this and its worth exploring. I am very much thankful to Sanjay for planning and executing this trek π