Nandi hills is most popular one day trip destination around Bengaluru. Nandi-Hills is situated at a distance of approximately 60 Kms. from Bengaluru, Situated 1479 m above sea level. It’s a very favourite place for bikers and early morning ride will give pleasant experience.

Timings for this place is from 6.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m., its preferred to visit at morning time. Entrance fee is Rs. 5/- per person and parking fees is Rs.15/- per bike and Rs.60/- for cars.
Started early morning and picked Chethan on the way. Hardly will it take 1 hour 30 minutes from Bengaluru (again depends on number of breaks). We have to take Airport road to reach Nandi Hills.
Now a day’s police became very strict and they will not allow vehicles before 6.00 a.m. from check post. We reached Nandi Hills top by 7.00 a.m., by that only parking place was filled with vehicles and fought almost 30 mins to park our vehicles.

Spent some time walking around the different corner of Nandi hills, such as – Tippu Drop, Shiva temple, the birth place of Arkavathy river & check out few viewpoints. Need to mention the view from restaurant as well.

This place will be over crowded on weekends.
Other place to visit around Nandhi Hills: Nandigrama, Avalabetta, Devanahalli Fort.