This homestay in Chikkamagaluru is around 15 kilometers from the main town and 269 kilometers from Bengaluru. It’s a small and beautiful place, perfect for a family vacation. We were a group of 12 people, including kids, and we booked the whole homestay for ourselves.
Once you step into the homestay, you won’t want to leave. It’s that nice. The best part was that we were the only family there, so we had the whole place to ourselves.
I have to mention the food—they serve amazing local dishes.
We stayed for two days and also got some great pictures of birds. Overall, it was a fantastic experience.
Jungle Babbler: The jungle babbler (Turdoides striata, formerly known as Argya striata) is a member of the family Leiothrichidae and is found in the Indian subcontinent. These birds are known for their gregarious nature, often foraging in small groups of six to ten individuals. This behavior has earned them the popular name of “Seven Sisters” in urban Northern India. The name reflects their tendency to move and forage in cohesive groups, creating a distinctive sight in the region.

Sparrows: Old World sparrows, which belong to the family Passeridae, are a group of small passerine birds. They are commonly referred to as true sparrows. The term “true sparrows” is also used specifically for a particular genus within the Passeridae family. This group includes familiar birds that are often found in urban and rural environments, with a notable example being the house sparrow (Passer domesticus). House sparrows are known for their close association with human habitation and can be found in many parts of the world. The Passeridae family encompasses a variety of species with similar characteristics, and true sparrows share a common ancestry within this diverse bird family.

The Western Yellow Wagtail: The western yellow wagtail (Motacilla flava) is a small passerine bird belonging to the wagtail family Motacillidae, a group that also includes pipits and longclaws. This species is known for its distinctive yellow plumage and is found breeding in various regions of temperate Europe and Asia. The Motacillidae family encompasses a diverse group of insectivorous birds, and wagtails, in particular, are characterized by their characteristic habit of wagging their tails up and down. The western yellow wagtail is known for its lively and energetic behavior, especially during its breeding season.

Kingfishers: Kingfishers belong to the family Alcedinidae and are characterized as small to medium-sized birds with vibrant and colorful plumage. They are part of the order Coraciiformes. These birds are widely distributed across the globe, with a cosmopolitan range that includes tropical regions in Africa, Asia, and Oceania. Additionally, some species of kingfishers can be found in Europe.
Known for their distinctive appearance and often striking colors, kingfishers are well-adapted to various habitats, including freshwater environments where they hunt for fish, their primary diet. With a widespread distribution, kingfishers showcase both a diversity of species and a capacity to inhabit a range of ecosystems around the world.

Rufous Treepie: The rufous treepie, a member of the crow family (Corvidae), is a treepie native to the Indian Subcontinent and adjacent regions of Southeast Asia. This bird is characterized by its long tail and distinctive, loud, and musical calls, making it easily noticeable. The rufous treepie is commonly found in a variety of environments, including open scrublands, agricultural areas, forests, and even urban gardens. Its adaptability to different habitats contributes to its widespread distribution across the Indian Subcontinent and parts of Southeast Asia.

Warbling White-Eye: The warbling white-eye, also known as the Japanese white-eye and mountain white-eye, is a small passerine bird in the white-eye family. The specific epithet is occasionally written japonica, but this is incorrect due to the gender of the genus

Certainly! In such a beautiful place, we dint’t forget to pose for out camera to make those memories last.