Kailasagiri is one of the weekend gateways around Bengaluru. This place is around 85Kms away from Bengaluru, nearest town is Chintamani. Kailasagiri is locally know as Ambajidurga.
There are 3 temples inside the Kailsagiri cave and one big stage inside the cave. Heard they will give this rent for some devotional activities.
Still this place is under construction, hopefully it will be done soon!
This place will be open for the visitors from morning 9.00AM to 6.00PM, one should not miss the lunch provided at this place.

If some one is traveling in own vehicle, before reaching Chintamani town there is a deviation to this place (Land mark is Petrol Bunk).
Better to visit this place on own vehicle so that we can cover couple of other places on the same day. Other near places are Kaivara, Aalam Giri & Murugamalla.
Best time to visit this place is in monsoon, since there are couple of dams near this place and can see water only in monsoon 😊
Just around 100 meters from the Kailasagiri temple parking there is a dam and luckily when we visited no one else were around spent some time good time in photo shoot 😊

Usually this place will be hot but luckily when we had been there, it was drizzling and weather was pleasant to spend some quality time.