The Art of Living Foundation is a volunteer-based, humanitarian and educational non-governmental organizations. It was founded in 1981 by Sri Ravi Shankar and offers a variety of personal-development and trauma-relief programs around the world. The Art of Living Foundation is spread over 156 countries and is considered the world’s largest volunteer-based NGO.
Art of Living Foundation (AOLF) has its international headquarters in Bangalore, Its around 18 Kms from Majestic situated near Gubblala Kanakapura Road.
Art of Living organizes courses based on breathing exercises and meditation. Sudarshan Kriya is the pivot of majority of Art of Living Courses which are conducted by instructors some of who do voluntary work. These courses have also been conducted for students and faculty, government officials, firemen, ex-militants and prisoners.

Main attraction of this place is Lakshmi mantapa. Even though the place will be crowded on weekends this place is very peaceful and perfect place for meditation. One can witness a beautiful sunset from this place.

Under lights Lakshmi Mantapa looks even more beautiful.

This place can be easily accessible by road, we have enough bus and taxi facility.