Kuppalli is a small village in Thirthahalli taluk around 18Kms from Thirthahalli. Even though Kuppalli is a remote place, easily we can reach to this place from Thirthahalli. We can find proper direction boards from Thirthahalli. Kuppalli is famous for being the birthplace and childhood home of famous Kannada poet Kuvempu (Kuppali Venkatappa Puttappa).
The childhood house of Kuvempu at Kuppali has at present been transformed into a museum by Rashtrakavi Kuvempu Pratishtana (a trust dedicated to Kuvempu). This trust has carried out huge developmental works in Kuppali to showcase Kuvempu and his works to the external world.

Kavimane means the House of the poet in Kannada language is the family house of Kuvempu. This three storied house where Kuvempu spent his childhood is located in the middle of green forests of Malnad.
This house has been converted into a museum. Kavimane is open to public on all days of the year from 9:00 AM to 6:30 PM. There is an entry fee of Rs. 5 for adults and for children above 10 years.

Kavishaila located on top of a small hill in Kuppalli is a rock monument made of megalithic rocks and dedicated to Kuvempu. The view around this place is awesome. Rocks are arranged and placed in a circular fashion. At the center of this rock monument is the place where Kuvempu was laid to rest after his death and a memorial has been constructed at that location.

Felt very happy to be in this place on the occasion of Kannada Rajyotsava.